The coldest match day of the year so far saw Terrigal run out onto Duffy’s after the game was re-scheduled from Gosford’s home ground and moved to 3pm. The prospect of beer immediately after the game followed by a segué into more beer at Breakers without having to travel provided a strong incentive. With an unaccustomed three reserves, Terrigal were pumped, not least because of the triumphant return of Ben ‘WhatsApp’ Johnson, whose warm-up consisted of wrapping about five metres of bandage around his left thigh. Read more

After driving for what seemed like hours to the remote rural region of Mangrove Mountain, avoiding trolls under bridges and bands of roving peasants brandishing pitchforks, F-Grade prepared to take on the leaders of the table on a beautiful, soft green pitch. Read more

What a difference a day makes. After going down 4-1 to East Gosford 1 on Saturday 4 July at Duffy’s, Barnestoneworth Fs backed up on Sunday at 2pm to play the same team on their home turf. On Saturday we had a referee and two linesmen; on Sunday, unable to provide a referee for the game, East Gosford were forced to rely on the kind donation of the time of a young local soccer player. She proved to be a first-class and even-handed ref. Read more

On first glance, this game was only remarkable in that it was the first that Barnstoneworth Fs had played on their home ground at Duffy’s Oval. Perfect sunny conditions and a companionable chat with the opposition before the game belied what was to come. Read more