Entries by Gordon Ottershaw


Avoca vs BUFC F’s

Clear blue skies and an Indian Summer temperature of 23 degrees greeted F-Grade at Frost Reserve in Kincumber, where the team was set to enjoy an unprecedented four reserves. Thirsting for redemption after last week’s five-nil loss, Barnstoneworth took to Avoca with gusto and the passing game we’d been practising all year finally came together.


Gosford vs BUFC F’s

The coldest match day of the year so far saw Terrigal run out onto Duffy’s after the game was re-scheduled from Gosford’s home ground and moved to 3pm. The prospect of beer immediately after the game followed by a segué into more beer at Breakers without having to travel provided a strong incentive. With an […]


East Gosford 1 vs BUFC Fs

What a difference a day makes. After going down 4-1 to East Gosford 1 on Saturday 4 July at Duffy’s, Barnestoneworth Fs backed up on Sunday at 2pm to play the same team on their home turf. On Saturday we had a referee and two linesmen; on Sunday, unable to provide a referee for the […]


East Gosford 2 vs BUFC F’s

It’s often said that football is a game of two halves, and that was amply demonstrated in F-grade this week against East Gosford 2. Having not played for three weeks due to the combination of a bye and two rained-out games, Barnestoneworth Fs were not only a little rusty, but missing two wingers and several […]


Woy Woy vs BUFC F’s

It was a fine day to take on the arch-enemy of Woy Woy in a friendly game of soccer. Barnstoneworth turned up with two reserves, and on a slow and uneven pitch continued their form of recent games by letting in a goal from a corner kick in the first five minutes.


BUFC F’s vs Avoca

Having been wound up by Trevor Husk all week on Whatsapp about the hated Avoca, the Fs took the field with three reserves on a sublime piece of turf at Jubilee Oval. Feeling confident after a tough mid-week training session, the team’s ambivalence was shattered in the fifteenth minute when Avoca landed the first goal.