Field of Dreams

Marcus Aurelius - BarnstoneworthHow you regard Saturday’s game against Kariong depends very much on which of the following philosophical standpoints most coincides with your world view :

‘Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery’

‘It’s not a matter of life and death, it’s much more serious than that’ (Bill Shankly)

‘Wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance’ (Marcus Aurelius)

‘When the entropic heat death of the Universe arrives in 10^103 years, everybody will be too preoccupied to give a shit about the result of an over 35C soccer match between two long forgotten clubs on the eastern coast of a lifeless scorched landmass in what used to be an ocean.’ (me) Read more

Central Coast Soccer

Avoca players must wake up every morning, look at themselves in the mirror and think ‘Wow, another day as God’s gift to football and the human race generally, how amazing it is to be me.’ You may snigger at this, and you’d be right to, but how else to explain their breathtaking arrogance on the pitch ? Allow me to convince you. Read more

Minute's silence in memory of Casper Ellis

Barnstoneworth Glorious LeaderFlags, banners and cheering crowds lined the route to Umina on Saturday as thousands gathered to catch a glimpse of Our Glorious Leader™, thankfully safely returned from an important mission to some foreign land. We were all badly in need of a boost after having our arses handed to us 2 weeks ago on the desolate battlefield of Kariong Hill, and were hoping for revenge against a team that had only narrowly beaten us last time out. Read more

BUFC Losing

Expectations were high as the mighty 35Cs travelled to Kariong on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Although we were all struggling emotionally with the absence of Our Glorious Leader, there was cause for optimism – this was a team we had beaten once before, the back four was strengthened by the welcome return of Jase, and incredibly no-one was injured during the warm-up (which was of course conducted along the usual lines, and didn’t at all degenerate into kicking the ball around a desultory polygon of middle aged men). Read more

Aggressive bunch of deck chairs

This week saw The Legends returning to Duffy’s Cathedral of Football armed with an exciting new formation and a keenness to triumph, this time over a Mountains team that had narrowly beaten us on the first day of the season.  Apart from anything else, it was a relief not to be playing Avoca again – if last Saturday felt like an afternoon spent in the disturbed wing of a psychiatric hospital, then this week was more like having a drink with colleagues after work.  Maybe not your mates, but at least they aren’t trying to break your legs. Read more

Field of Dreams

It was another hot and sunny day for our first game of the season at the field of dreams that is Terry Oval – the only pitch on the coast with a Brazilian waxing strip down the middle. Early signs were not great – our five subs had been reduced to three before kick-off, and Dave managed to injure himself getting out of his trousers (possibly not for the first time eh Dave?). Read more

We took to the field full of optimism after Tim ‘Gettysburg Address’ Watt’s six-volume email on where we went wrong and where we need to improve. Pass and move was the message, and for the most part we did just that. Read more

Bloodtree Oval

Wednesday night, 6:30pm, under 20 Watt bulbs at Mangrove Mountain…


We played quite well


We didn’t.
Arse to that.

BUFC C victory vs Kariong

The omens were auspicious as the valiant 35Cs took to the newly revitalised field of dreams for the first time in two years.  The warm up was conducted in comfortable conditions only for the sun to come out and raise the temperature by 10 degrees just as the ref strolled up. Read more